Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Land of the Seagull

 Saw this seagull today surveying his vast land estate located in the middle of Swan River in Dennisport on Cape Cod. It may not look like much land but the water views are spectacular as well as being close to fishing and clamming. To me it looks like this gull is surveying the right hand portion of his island and perhaps contemplating growing some crops. If the gull does decide to do some farming then he truly would be outstanding in his field.
This photo also reminds me of a scene from a Woody Allen movie (I can't remember which movie) where there is a scene in which Woody Allen portrays his father holding a clump of dirt in his hand and saying to Woody "Son, some day this land will be yours so make sure you take care of it". Yes, everyone should consider obtaining a little piece of land for themselves and hopefully this little piece of land is big enough to stand on and maybe walk around on.

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