Wednesday, April 10, 2013


 I saw this goat today that appears to be a "Siamese goat" or a "two headed goat" if you will at an Audubon preserve in Cummaquid on Cape Cod. Probably some poor farmer donated this goat as I'm sure a goat like this is harder to care for that the typical one headed goat. One advantage of being a two headed goat I imagine is you do have an extra pair of eyes to watch out for any dangerous situations. Also, with two heads there is always someone nearby to converse with in goat language. Sometimes though being so attached to someone may have disadvantages: for example say one goat head says to the other,"Remember the time our friend "Billie" found a full can of premixed Long Island Ice Tea and he not only drank the whole can right down but ate the can as well? The other goat replies,"Uh Yeah" I was right here with you."
Another advantage of being a "Siamese goat" I imagine is during the county fair "Three legged sack race" this goat pair has a lifetime of preparation. Yes, this goat is interesting for sure and I'm sure it has many unusual stories to tell the kids.

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