Friday, May 30, 2014

First Kayak Ride in 39 Years

I recently purchased a used "Pisgah: Liquid Logic 13.5' Kayak" from a friend of a neighbor. I don't mind sometimes purchasing second hand items as you can usually pay less than a new item and you don't have to pay any sales tax. So, I had an inaugural kayak trip around "Swan Pond " which is across the street from my home. Along with the kayak I purchased as part of the price I paid, a paddle and a small 2 wheeled device that I fastened under the kayak so I could wheel the kayak down the street. to the landing. Swan Pond is an "inter-tidal pond  which flows down Swan Pond river to Nantucket Sound salt water. I must say that walking the kayak down to the landing and back to my house probably was more exercise than the actual kayak trip.

The last time I was in a kayak was in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania at Slippery Rock State College as part of an outdoor recreational workshop while attending the University of Connecticut (UCONN) when I was active in "student activities" as a member of the Student Union Board of Governors. I remember after returning from this trip to Slippery Rock that I was looking through a college student programming magazine and there I was in a picture in this magazine paddling in a kayak.

After a couple of minutes I regained my "sea legs" and was paddling pretty well after only a 39 year hiatus. I guess paddling a kayak is just like riding a bike except on the water and without wheels but similar that once you have done certain "motor skills" you can recall past experiences even if the form of transportation doesn't have a motor. I paddled around this small island and saw a couple of ducks and small birds. I water was real shallow near this little island and I actually grounded the kayak about 25 yards from this island but easily pushed off with the paddle.

I enjoyed the ride and saw one swan a swimin' on the return trip to the landing. I'll have to kayak again as when you first purchase an item the first time you use it you in effect have paid the full price for its use, then the second time you have paid half the purchase price, third time 1/3 the price... and so on so that that more times you use something the effective price per use is reduced.

I  tried to "christen" this kayak with a glass bottle of "Sam Adams Summer Ale" but when I tried to smash to beer bottle of the plastic hull of the kayak the beer bottle bounced off of the plastic kayak and almost hit me in the face.

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