Saturday, April 2, 2016


Yes, This is Paradise (Pizza). Located in West Dennis on School Street (Cape Cod) "Joey " the owner has been making Pizza on the Cape since 1976 which is the same year that I "washed ashore".  Amelia and I shared this pizza (along with Charles and Lily) last night at the Soundings Resort. Part of our job is to make sure that the pizza restaurants that we recommend are "good" so we order pizza from time to time just to make sure. "Joey" offers us a large pizza for every 7 referrals with these "pizza cards" which is appreciated and "Joey" said last night "I hope I can bring over a pizza each night!".

This particular pizza is a large chicken,bacon and pineapple pizza with a "Drizzle of barbecue sauce."

We had this pizza at night as we learned from Anita Bryant in her commercial from a long time ago that "Pizza!, It's not just for breakfast anymore!" (I think that is what the commercial said; or come to think of it it might have said "Orange Juice! It's not just for dinner anymore!"  I may have confused the slogan as I repeat it was a loooong time ago and when you get to my age some memories do get "scrambled" so you can't eggs actly remember them word for word. I do know for a fact that pizza does indeed taste good at night and I'm even considering trying some Orange juice for breakfast; as strange as that may sound!

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