Monday, June 17, 2013

"Happy Corn Dog Day!"

 Happy Corn Dog Day Everybody!!  I'm not sure if today is the official "Corn Dog  Day all over the world; but for me at least this year in my house I have proclaimed this day to be "Corn Dog Day". There is something satisfying about eating "food on a stick"; and I think, kind of fun too! How many of you enjoy sucking on a lollipop, or an ice cream bar or pop sickle? When ordering "Chinese food" I often enjoy "meat on a stick" such as "beef or chicken teriyaki". "Shish kabobs" are always fun on the outdoor grill. Who doesn't like toasting marsh mellows? 
Maybe some of us humans enjoy eating food on a stick from our ancient ancestors who used to cook everything over an open fire once they learned how to create and make a fire. Before there were knives, forks and spoons there were fingers and then sticks as far as eating utensils are concerned. Probably our ancestors first used to just hold their food in their hands over an open fire to cook their meat and vegetables. Then they learned to stick a stick through their food so they could get away from burning their hands so much and not having to breathe so much smoke.
Yes, "corn dogs" show part of the human evolution of eating food but still retain the past association of eating food on a stick. Plus, with a "corn dog" you don't have to buy a hot dog roll unless you really like rolls; then of course, you can just put your "corn dog" inside a roll. Hot Dog! I can't wait till next year's "Corn Dog Day" to have yet another "corn dog!".

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