As I reflect on cheese today to me it is amazing the number of types of cheese that are available in the marketplace. In most major supermarkets there is a huge selection to choose from with cheeses from all over the world. What is your favorite type of cheese? Do you cut the cheese with a regular knife or a custom cheese knife or do you just bite off a hunk of cheese with your teeth?
I really like this Cabot brand Horseradish cheese. It has a lot of flavor. Speaking of horseradish, I remember one time about four years ago I went to Foxwoods Casino and the Pequot Nation which is surrounded by the State of Connecticut with three friends from Ireland who were working on Cape Cod for the Summer season. They had never been to a casino before . We had dinner at the Festival Marketplace buffet that evening.
At the buffet there was one station where one of the chefs was hand carving a roast beef for the diners. Next to the roast beef there was a large container of horseradish that you could serve yourself as a compliment to the roast beef. One Irish friend named Claudaugh, came back to the table with her roast beef and a large mound of white substance on her plate. She took a large helping of this white mound and put it into her mouth. Apparently she thought she was helping herself to mashed potato but in fact she had loaded her plate up with a big mound of horseradish. The look on her face was "priceless" as she ate a mouthful of pure horseradish. Hot stuff!
I like horseradish and cheese and horseradish cheese but have never personally been fond of eating mouthfuls of pure horseradish. Maybe that is an Irish custom.