Saturday, May 15, 2010

"It wasn't ME"

Boy’s Tragic Death Could Have Happened To Any Family With 20-Foot Pet Python The Onion - America's Finest News Source Onion News Network Here is a very sad and tragic tale of young Zack Shaw and the family pet 300 pound python named "Jaws". In an unbelievable and completely unexpected accident "Jaws" swallowed young Zack. They interview "Rich Shaw" the father of this young boy along with his wife Lisa who were quite distraught for some reason after losing their son. For the record, I just want to state that this is not me they are talking about. I'm Rick Shaw, I'm not "Rich". Sometimes I wish I was "Rich"; but with all the talk about "taxing the Rich" in Washington D.C. I guess it is good not to be "Rich". You never hear politicians talk about "taxing the Rick" or that "the Rick don't pay their fair share".

So, once again that wasn't me in this video. I don't have a pet python; or even a pet garden snake. There are plenty of "Shaws" in the world but we all don't have pythons for pets.

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